Text is taken from IOGKF brochure

(warm up)
(special exercises with tools for power, accuracy and stamina improvement)
  • Chishi
  • Kongoken
  • Nigirigame
  • Makiwara
  • Sandbag
(stretching exercises)
Kihon Jijutsu
(base technique)
  1. Base technique without moving N 1
  2. Base technique in moving N 2 - N 5
(base technique)
  1. Sanchin N1 (Higaonna Kanryo)
  2. Sanchin N2 (Chojun Miyagi)
  3. Gekisai-dai-ichi N1
  4. Gekisai-dai-ni N2
  5. Saifa
  6. Seiyunchin
  7. Shisochin
  8. Sanseru
  9. Sepai
  10. Kururunfa
  11. Sesan
  12. Suparinpei
  13. Tensho
  • Tanren-Kumite
    (training fight)
    1. Sandangi
    2. Kakie (hands pushing)
    3. Ude-tanren (arms hitting)
  • Kihon Kumite
    (base sparring)
    One hit training fight
  • Yakusoku Kumite
    (programmed fight)
    1. Kakie
    2. Ippon Kumite - one hit fight
    3. Nihon Kumite - two hits fight
    4. Sanbon Kumite - three hits fight
    5. Rensoku Kumite - (programmed fight, including combination of several hits in attack and defense with counterattack with hits series)
    6. Yakusoku Kumite (training fight for base grappling and wrestling technique studying)
  • Bunkai Kumite
    (Kata technique explanation)
    1. Base
    2. Traditional
    3. Real fight
  • Ju Kumite
    (free fight)
    1. Ju Pon Kumite (one hit free fight)
    2. Ju Kumite (soft fight)
    3. Randori Kumite (free fight with close attention to correct technique)
    4. Jisen Kumite (real fight)
    5. Shiai Kumite (sport rules fight)
    6. Irikumi (free fight without interrupts using soft and hard technique)
    7. Kakie Kumite (close range real fight)
Senri Undo
(calming down)

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