Master Morio Higaonna
Chief instructor

Text is taken from IOGKF brochure

Morio Higaonna sensei

Master Morio Higaonna, 8th dan black belt, is recognized as one of leading sensei and best representative of Goju-Ryu Karate-do in the world for last 25 years. The training always was the main theme of his life. He never searched for glory in martial arts, and his world popularity is the result of his excellent skill and ability; the skill, which is surpassed only by his original modesty and calmness.
Master Higaonna has arrived in Tokyo, capital of Japan, from his native land, Okinawa, in 1961. He was 22. He had been studying Goju-Ryu since he was 14 with such a furious persistence, which seldom can be found even at great masters.
Therefore when he was 22 he was almost martial arts master. Thanks to his obvious courage and despite of his youth he was invited to teach in dojo at center of Tokyo. His lessons though being very hard to endure were very popular and soon he became the instructor on the full rate.
There were many foreigners who came to Tokyo to study martial arts that time. They usually came to such world famous dojos as YAKA and Kyokushinkai. However, having appeared in Tokyo, their curiosity leaded them to other dojos of Tokyo. When they came in Yoygi dojo and saw there small, but dynamical sensei, many of them simply were stunned by magnificent technique and improbable force of master Higaonna. They immediately left dojos where they studied earlier and began to train with this inspiring teacher.
They were amazed not only by karate of master Higaonna but also by his behavior and behavior of his students. While in many dojos of Japan all foreigners were considered only as bags for beating, master Higaonna's dojo was as a breath of fresh air. At all lessons of the master Higaonna anyone had to meet the high requirements and to find out himself/herself limit of endurance, but lessons were always held with honor and in spirit of true Budo, martial art way.
During twenty-one years of master Higaonna's teaching in Yoygi dojo thousands followers of karate had been benefited from his unique kind of karate. His lessons became so popular, that he gave four lessons a day, and 1000 and even more students attended his lessons daily.
Master Higaonna had many foreign followers and as result there was a foundation of the International Okinawan Goju-Ryu Karate-do Federation (IOGKF) in 1979. With master Higaonna as chief the IOGKF now works in 45 countries and has more than 50 000 members worldwide.
In September 1987 master Higaonna has moved to the United States. November 1st 1987 he has started Traditional Karate Institute (World IOGKF headquarters) at San Marcos. Master Higaonna hopes that his presence here can attract lot of people to deep doctrine and philosophy of the Grandmaster Chojun Miyagi Goju-Ryu Karate-do founder.

Some facts can appear out-of-date. I bring the apologies beforehand .
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